
Friday, January 31, 2020

Vorbereitungen laufen : Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Kärnten - Kleine Zeitung

Vorbereitungen laufen : Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Kärnten  Kleine Zeitung
Vorbereitungen laufen : Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Kärnten - Kleine Zeitung

Zertifikate vergeben: Drei neue digi-Mittelschulen im Bezirk Perg - Perg -

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Zertifikate vergeben: Drei neue digi-Mittelschulen im Bezirk Perg - Perg -

Josef Marketz: Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Klagenfurt - Kleine Zeitung

Josef Marketz: Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Klagenfurt  Kleine Zeitung
Josef Marketz: Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Klagenfurt - Kleine Zeitung

Arthur Schnitzlers „Zwischenspiel“: Ein Experiment und seine Grenzen - Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

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Arthur Schnitzlers „Zwischenspiel“: Ein Experiment und seine Grenzen - Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Virologe besorgt wegen mangelnder Ausrüstung in Wuhan - BILD

Virologe besorgt wegen mangelnder Ausrüstung in Wuhan  BILD
Virologe besorgt wegen mangelnder Ausrüstung in Wuhan - BILD

Regierungsklausur recht fröhlich, aber ohne Neuigkeiten - VOL.AT

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Regierungsklausur recht fröhlich, aber ohne Neuigkeiten - VOL.AT

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Nintendo: Highlights aus dem Nintendo eShop: Januar 2020 - 4Players Portal

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Zeugin wirft Weinstein vor Gericht schwere Sexualverbrechen vor -

Josef Marketz: Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Klagenfurt - Kleine Zeitung

Josef Marketz: Nach 38 Jahren wieder eine Bischofsweihe in Klagenfurt  Kleine Zeitung
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Bezos wurde in wenigen Minuten um 13 Mrd. reicher -

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Sargnagel-Stück am Volkstheater München: Oans, zwoa, drei, gsuffa! -

Farm bankruptcies jumped 20% in 2019, even with billions in aid from U.S. - CBS News

U.S. farms endured a spike in bankruptcies last year, climbing 20% even with financial help from Washington, D.C.

American farmers have struggled amid U.S. trade talks with both Mexico and China, with soybean exports especially hit hard by retaliatory tariffs by China first imposed in 2018. The hurt in the nation's heartland prompted the White House to set aside $28 billion over the past two years for farmers caught in the crossfire of President Donald Trump's trade war. 

Still, despite the billions in farm aid, 595 family farms declared bankruptcy in 2019, up nearly 100 filings from the previous year and the highest count since 2011, according to data from the American Farm Bureau.

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Last year's 20% spike lags only the 33% surge seen in 2010, the year after the recession, the bureau found in its search of a decade of bankruptcy data from U.S. courts

The most recent rise in farm bankruptcies was to be expected, the bureau said in its findings, citing factors including a multi-year downturn in the farm economy, record amounts of farm debt, and headwinds on the trade front.

Farms in Wisconsin generated the highest number of bankruptcy filings last year — 57— followed by Georgia with 41, the bureau reported. Farm bankruptcies were at or above decade-high levels in 10 states: Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

Iowa farmers hit by perfect storm of bad weather and trade battles

The White House's latest "Phase One" accord with Beijing stipulates that China will purchase up to $200 billion in U.S. goods, including an estimated $30 billion to $40 billion in agricultural products like soybeans and pork, offering some relief to American farmers. The administration said the U.S. will keep billions in tariffs on Chinese products as a bargaining chip, as it looks to strike more deals in future trade talks.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday inked the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which binds the trading partners together for at least 16 years. Canada and Mexico are the two top export markets for U.S. food and agricultural products, totaling almost $40 billion last year, and the agreement preserves that. It also gives American farmers greater access to Canada's dairy markets, long a source of tension between the two countries.

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February 01, 2020 at 02:58AM

Farm bankruptcies jumped 20% in 2019, even with billions in aid from U.S. - CBS News
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How well do you know your farm? - Wilmington News Journal, OH


Sure, you could probably drive your fields blindfolded and you could, without a doubt, name the cow that will always come in the parlor last. But what about your farm as a business?

If this question made you stop and think, then it’s time to become more familiar with your cost of production and other financial measures that make the rest of your farming operation possible.

The Ohio Farm Business Analysis Program is focused on working with farmers across Ohio to better understand the numbers behind their farm business in order to make more informed production, marketing and financial management decisions that will impact the farm’s overall profitability.

Farm business analysis is a tool that can be applied to any farm, regardless of size, crop, or livestock enterprise. Financial management is critical to the success of every farm business, and with analysis, farms are able to better understand the numbers behind their profits or losses.

To complete a farm’s analysis, we start with beginning and ending balance sheets from the most recent business year. To fill in the year between the balance sheets, we provide input forms that cover all income, expenses, capital purchases, sales, and enterprise information.

Farmers complete a whole farm analysis and may choose to do enterprise analysis. They receive their farm’s analysis and enterprise summaries that include their costs of production per acre, per unit (bu, ton, cwt, head) as well as machinery costs per acre.

At the conclusion of each year’s analysis, farmers receive Ohio summary data, along with personalized benchmark reports that help them quickly identify areas of strength and concern.

All farm data is treated and handled with the utmost care to preserve confidentiality. Farms that complete analysis also contribute to the database of Ohio farm financial and production data. Ohio farm data is used for teaching, research, extension education and policy decision making.

To better serve Ohio’s farmers, the Farm Business Analysis Program has three Farm Business Analysis Technicians serving central and western Ohio. These technicians work out of the County Extension Offices in Mahoning, Miami and Pickaway counties, and will also work with farms in surrounding counties. We encourage you to contact the technician nearest your farm to get started on Farm Business Analysis:

• Mahoning County 330-533-5538 Christina Benton

• Miami County 937-440-3945 David Jenner

• Pickaway County 740-474-7534 TrishLevering

Thanks to the USDA-NIFA Farm Business Analysis grant, the cost for a farm to complete an analysis for the 2019 business year is $100.

To learn more about farm business analysis, contact Dianne Shoemaker or Haley Shoemaker at 330-533-5538 or email at or

Check this out

A great event that you need to get on your calendar now is the annual Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, March 3-4 at the McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio.

This annual event is absolutely loaded with presentations focusing such topics as Crop Management and Precision Technology, Nutrient Management, Cover Crops and Soil Health, Water Quality and new this year discussions and presentations concerning Hemp and Forage Cover Crops.

You can view the full program and registration details at

A couple other highlights will be the featured speaker, Lee Briese, award winning Crop Consultant from North Dakota, speaking on Herbicide/Cover Crop interactions.

In addition, Sjoerd Duiker will be featured as well to focus on discussion about Dealing with Poor Soil Structure and Soil Compaction.

The conference features 65 presenters as well as servicing CCA needs with 12 hours of Nutrient Management, 12 hours of Soil & Water and 12 hours of Crop Management.

If you have never attended this event before I encourage you to do so. It is a great event packed full of information, lots of producer discussions and information to help you better manage your farming operations.

Tony Nye is the state coordinator for the Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program and has been an OSU Extension Educator for agriculture and natural resources for over 30 years, currently serving Clinton County and the Miami Valley EERA.

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February 01, 2020 at 03:10AM

How well do you know your farm? - Wilmington News Journal, OH
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Trump-Regierung verhängt Einreiseverbote für China-Reisende - F.A.Z. - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

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  4. Epidemien: USA verhängen wegen Coronavirus Einreiseverbot für China-Reisende  DIE WELT
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Trump-Regierung verhängt Einreiseverbote für China-Reisende - F.A.Z. - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

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CORONAVIRUS AUS CHINA: Erstmals Kind in Bayern mit Wuhan--Virus infiziert - WELT Nachrichtensender

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cocktail-Bar "Kleinod Prunkstück" eröffnete in Wien - VIENNA.AT

Cocktail-Bar "Kleinod Prunkstück" eröffnete in Wien  VIENNA.AT
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Das gab's noch nie: GNTM-Kandidatin schmeißt hin - aus völlig bizarrem Grund - GMX.AT

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Antiviren-Programme unterstützen Windows 7 trotz Support-Ende -

U.S. farm bankruptcies hit an eight-year high: court data -

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. farm bankruptcy rates jumped 20% in 2019 - to an eight-year high - as financial woes in the U.S. agricultural economy continued in spite of massive federal bail-out funding, according to federal court data.

FILE PHOTO: A small rural farm is seen in a field of snow near Nevada, Iowa, U.S., January 28, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar/File Photo

According to data released this week by the United States Courts, family farmers filed 595 Chapter 12 bankruptcies in 2019, up from 498 filings a year earlier. The data also shows that such filings - known as “family farmer” bankruptcies - have steadily increased every year for the past five years.

Farmers across the nation also have retired or sold their farms because of the financial strains, changing the face of Midwestern towns and concentrating the business in fewer hands.

“I just had a farmer contact me last week, telling me he can’t get financing for his inputs this year and he doesn’t know what to do,” said Charles E. Covey, a bankruptcy attorney based in Peoria, Illinois.

Chapter 12 is a part of the federal bankruptcy code that is designed for family farmers and fishermen to restructure their debts. It was created during the 1980s farm crisis as a simple court procedure to let family farmers keep operating while working out a plan to repay lenders.

The increase in cases had been somewhat expected, bankruptcy experts and agricultural economists said, as farmers face trade battles, ever-mounting farm debt, prolonged low commodity prices, volatile weather patterns and a fatal pig disease that has decimated China’s herd.

Even billions of dollars spent over the past two years in government agricultural assistance has not stemmed the bleeding.

Nearly one-third of projected U.S. net farm income in 2019 came from government aid and taxpayer-subsidized commodity insurance payments, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The court data indicates those supports did help prevent a more serious economic fallout, said John Newton, chief economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation.

Some of the biggest bankruptcy rate increases were seen in regions, such as apple growers in the Pacific Northwest, that did not receive much or any of the latest round of trade aid from the Trump administration.

The bankruptcy data “signals that things have not turned around,” said John Newton, chief economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation. “We still have supply and demand uncertainty. If we see prolonged low prices, I wouldn’t expect this trend to slow down.”

Reporting By P.J. Huffstutter; Editing by Dan Grebler

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January 31, 2020 at 04:15AM

U.S. farm bankruptcies hit an eight-year high: court data -
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Sneak Preview Of A Groundbreaking Farm-To-Fork Restaurant Project From The Founders Of 21c Museum Hotels - Forbes

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Sneak Preview Of A Groundbreaking Farm-To-Fork Restaurant Project From The Founders Of 21c Museum Hotels  Forbes

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January 31, 2020 at 04:52AM

Sneak Preview Of A Groundbreaking Farm-To-Fork Restaurant Project From The Founders Of 21c Museum Hotels - Forbes
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Oliver Pocher teilt weiter aus: Michael Wendler ist "Lachnummer der Nation" - GMX.AT

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Oliver Pocher teilt weiter aus: Michael Wendler ist "Lachnummer der Nation" - GMX.AT

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Sesquicentennial farm applications due March 2 in Minnesota - INFORUM

ST. PAUL — Minnesota families who have owned their farms for at least 150 years can sign up for a commemorative certificate, outdoor sign and other honors through the Minnesota Farm Bureau’s Sesquicentennial Farm program, which has recognized more than 371 farms since it began in 2008.

To qualify, a farm's age must be backed up by official records, and one family must have owned it for 150 years or more. In 2020, that's since 1870 or earlier. Last year, an Evansville farm owned by Roger Johnson qualified.

Families do not have to have lived on the farm continuously, but ownership must be continuous. Farms should be at least 50 acres and still involved in agricultural production.

To apply, write to Sesquicentennial Farms, Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, P.O. Box 64370, St. Paul, MN 55164; email; call 651-768-2100; or visit

The deadline for application is March 2. Previously recognized families should not reapply.

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To see a list of previously recognized Sesquicentennial Farms in Minnesota, visit

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January 31, 2020 at 05:00AM

Sesquicentennial farm applications due March 2 in Minnesota - INFORUM
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January 31, 2020 at 03:20AM

US farm bankruptcies jumped 20 percent in 2019 - WRCB-TV
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„Little Women“ mit Emma Watson: Keine kleinen Mädchen von gestern - Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

„Little Women“ mit Emma Watson: Keine kleinen Mädchen von gestern  Tiroler Tageszeitung OnlineMehr zum Thema in Google News
„Little Women“ mit Emma Watson: Keine kleinen Mädchen von gestern - Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Wiens Nachtleben hat ein neues "Prunkstück" -

Wiens Nachtleben hat ein neues "Prunkstück"
Wiens Nachtleben hat ein neues "Prunkstück" -

Saalbach übernimmt Speed-Rennen der Herren von China - SALZBURG24

Saalbach übernimmt Speed-Rennen der Herren von China  SALZBURG24Mehr zum Thema in Google News
Saalbach übernimmt Speed-Rennen der Herren von China - SALZBURG24

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fünfter Wiener Verdachtsfall negativ getestet -

  1. Fünfter Wiener Verdachtsfall negativ getestet
  2. Coronavirus: Grippe-Masken schon fast ausverkauft!
  3. Entwarnung beim fünften Wiener Coronavirus-Verdachtsfall  SALZBURG24
  4. Coronavirus: Entwarnung bei Wiener Verdachtsfall  VIENNA.AT
  5. Sorge vor Ausbreitung des Coronavirus wächst  VOL.AT
  6. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

Fünfter Wiener Verdachtsfall negativ getestet -

Das Coronavirus infiziert Chinas Wirtschaft – und den Rest der Welt -

Das Coronavirus infiziert Chinas Wirtschaft – und den Rest der Welt
Das Coronavirus infiziert Chinas Wirtschaft – und den Rest der Welt -

Entwarnung beim fünften Wiener Coronavirus-Verdachtsfall - SALZBURG24

  1. Entwarnung beim fünften Wiener Coronavirus-Verdachtsfall  SALZBURG24
  2. NOCH KEINE PANIK: Mediziner halten Coronavirus aus China zurzeit gut für beherrschbar  WELT Nachrichtensender
  3. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

Entwarnung beim fünften Wiener Coronavirus-Verdachtsfall - SALZBURG24

Liverpool gewinnt Nachtragspartie bei West Ham -

  1. Liverpool gewinnt Nachtragspartie bei West Ham
  2. Fußball: Liverpool knackt schon 70-Punkte-Marke
  3. Premier League: Liverpool bleibt auch im Nachtragsspiel makellos
  4. Highlight-Video: Liverpools Traumserie hält weiter an  Sky Sport Austria
  5. FC Liverpool: Salah-Gala bei nächstem Sieg von Klopp-Klub  BILD
  6. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

Liverpool gewinnt Nachtragspartie bei West Ham -

Kunstwerk in Manila: Kobe Bryant überlebensgroß auf Basketballplatz - euronews (deutsch)

  1. Kunstwerk in Manila: Kobe Bryant überlebensgroß auf Basketballplatz  euronews (deutsch)
  2. Kobe Bryant: Video zeigt Absturzort
  3. Video zeigt den Absturzort von Bryants Hubschrauber
  4. Gerichtsmedizin identifiziert die Leiche von Kobe Bryant
  5. Comeback von Sixers-Star Embiid mit Bryant-Nummer 24
  6. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

Kunstwerk in Manila: Kobe Bryant überlebensgroß auf Basketballplatz - euronews (deutsch)

Gerasdorf - SPÖ hält Stadt trotz Verlusten - NÖ

Gerasdorf - SPÖ hält Stadt trotz Verlusten  NÖN.atMehr zum Thema in Google News
Gerasdorf - SPÖ hält Stadt trotz Verlusten - NÖ

Perg: Lkw steckte im Straßenbankett fest - Perg -

  1. Perg: Lkw steckte im Straßenbankett fest - Perg
  2. Weiter als Verein: Letztes Abendmahl des Tourismusverbands Mauthausen
  3. Gäste-Portal als Abschiedsgeschenk des Perger Tourismusverbands
  4. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

Perg: Lkw steckte im Straßenbankett fest - Perg -